(English version see below!)
Animationsfilm von Markus Wende
„Ich will einfach Sex!“ sagt Tanja zu Benjamin
„A rapid animation that sums up a range of complex sexualities and desire with humour. Blink and you will miss it!“ (Queer Vision Program)
„This charming and fast-paced film presents the joys and pains of dating, loving, hooking up, and exploring outside of normative relationship constellations.“ (Frameline 38 Program)
Länge: 01:21
Format: 1080p / 24fps
Technik: Digitale 2D Animation
Produktionsdatum: 06-2013
Kinoformate: DCP, Quicktime H264 in 1080p oder 720p, weitere digitale Formate
Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Deutsch + englische Untertitel
Idee, Animation und Umsetzung: Markus Wende
Sound und Musik: Lukasz Jäger (MMM)
Sprecher: Markus Wende
Prädikat: Besonders Wertvoll
Am 4. Februar 2015 hat die FBW-Jury dem Film „Einfach“ das Prädikat „Besonders Wertvoll“ verliehen.
(Zum Pressetext und der Jury-Begründung der FBW bitte hier klicken.)
Interview zum Film bei „Berliner Filmfestivals“:
English Version
Festivals / Screenings:
2017-04-25: FAF Festival of Animated Film Berlin – Berlin (GER) (LINK)
2015-11-20+: FILMETS Badalona Film Festival – Badalona (ESP) (LINK)
2015-10-02+: MIX COPENHAGEN (Loungeperimentals) – Copenhagen (DNK) (LINK)
2015-07-02+: RIO FESTIVAL GAY DE CINEMA 2015 (Competition) – Rio (BRA) (LINK)
2015-06-11+: Identities 2015 – Queer Film Festival – Wien (AT) (LINK)
2015-06-06+: Tel Aviv International LGBT Film Festival (Comp.) – Tel Aviv (ISR) (LINK)
2015-06-05+: Tres Court 2015 – Intl. Film Fest. (Trash and Glam) – 24 countrys worldwide (LINK)
2015-06-04+: Reno Tahoe International Film Festival (Comp.) – Reno / Tahoe (USA) (LINK)
2015-05-22+: Fairy Tales – 17th Annual Queer Film Festival (Competition) – Calgary (CAN) ( LINK)
2015-05-14+: Nortwest Animation Festival (Competition) – Eugene (USA) (LINK)
2015-05-04+: Nortwest Animation Festival (Competition) – Portland (USA) (LINK)
2015-04-25: Queer Vision Launch – Iris Select Party – Bristol (UK) (LINK)
2015-04-17: Anim. shorts and music videos by Zyklopik and Friends – Berlin (GER) (LINK)
2015-04-15+: Shorts Offenburg 2015 (Mixed Shorts) – Offenburg (GER) (LINK)
2015-04-10+: Cinema Perpetuum Mobile 2015 (Zen/Trash Programme) – Minsk (BLR) (LINK)
2015-03-26+: Athens Animfest 2015 (Animation Marathon Programme) – Athens (GRC) (LINK)
2015-03-23+: ClujShorts Intl. Short Film Festival (Competition) – Cluj-Napoca (RO) (LINK)
2015-03-18+: 16. Landshuter Kurzfilmfestival (Competition) – Landshut (GER) (LINK)
2015-03-13+: Int. Kurzfilmwoche Regensburg (German Competition) – Regensburg (GER) (LINK)
2014-12-09+: MERLINKA Intl. Queer Film Festival – Belgrad (SRB) (LINK)
2014-12-06: Couch Fest Films 2014 – Seattle (and everywhere) (USA) (LINK)
2014-12-01+: 32. Festival Tous Courts 2014 (Competition) – Aix En Provence (F) (LINK)
2014-11-25+: FILMZ – Festival des deutschen Kinos (Andersartig) – Mainz (GER) (LINK)
2014-11-21+: 29. Schwenninger Kurzfilmfestival – Villingen-Schwenningen (GER) (LINK)
2014-11-19+: Animated Dreams – 16. Intl. Anim. Film Fest. (Special Programme) – Tallin (EE) (LINK)
2014-11-19+: 12. Anilogue Intl. Animation Fest. (Animated Night Programme) – Budapest (HU) (LINK)
2014-11-13+: CutOut Fest 2014 (Competition) – Querétaro (MEX) (LINK)
2014-11-07+: 27th Festival Les Instants Vidéo (Official Selection) – Marseille (F) (LINK)
2014-11-06+: Queersicht – Lesbisch-schwules Filmfestival Bern (Official Selection) – Bern (CH) (LINK)
2014-10-30+: LesGaiCineMad – Madrid Intl. LGTB Film Festival (Official Select.) – Madrid (ESP) (LINK)
2014-10-28: A Bar Is A Screen at Immergrün Bar – Best Of Cellu l’art Kurzfilmfestival – Jena (GER) (LINK)
2014-10-17+: Riga intl. Filmfestival 2Annas 2014 (Competition) – Riga (LV) (LINK)
2014-10-15+: LUFF Lausanne Underground Film and Music Fest. (Competition) – Lausanne (CH) (LINK)
2014-10-14+: 25. Lesbisch Schwule Filmtage Hamburg (Made in Germany) – Hamburg (GER) (LINK)
2014-10-10+: Kunst- und Kulturfestival Kunstkreuz 2014 (Best of Flimmerzimmer) – Berlin (GER) (LINK)
2014-10-08+: Iris Prize Festival 2014 (Iris Prize Nomination, Comp.) – Cardiff (UK) (LINK)
2014-10-01+: 7. filmzeitkaufbeuren (Competition) – Kaufbeuren (GER) (LINK)
2014-09-19+: Queer Lisboa 18 (Competition) – Lisboa (PT) (LINK)
2014-09-25+: Lund International Fantastic Film Festival (Comp.) – Lund (SWE) (LINK)
2014-08-23: LANGE NACHT DES KURZEN FILMS 2014 – Gera (GER)
2014-08-14+: 38. Open Air Filmfest Weiterstadt 2014 (Competition) – Weiterstadt (GER) (LINK)
2014-08-02+: 8th Film and Art Fest. Two Riversides (Competition) – Kazimierz Dolny (PL) (LINK)
2014-07-31: Flimmerzimmer #1 Filmabend in Berlin Friedrichshain – Berlin (GER) (LINK)
2014-07-31: Shorts At Moonlight – Kurzfilmfestival (Competition) – Frankfurt/Hofheim/Mainz (GER) (LINK)
2014-07-25+: GIFF 2014 – Guanajuato Intl. Film Festival – San Miguel de A. / Guanajuato (MEX) (LINK)
2014-07-23+: Fünf Seen Film Festival – 8. Unabhängiges Int. Filmfestival – Starnberg (GER) (LINK)
2014-06-23+: Sardiniafilmfestival – IX intl. Short Film Award (Competition) – Sassari (I) (LINK)
2014-06-19+: Frameline 38 – SF Intl. LGBT Film Festival (Competition) – San Francisco (USA) (LINK)
2014-05-23+: 11. VIS Vienna Independent Shorts – Wien (AT) (LINK)
2014-05-21+: KASHISH Intl. Queer Film Fest. (Comp. Bi The Way) – Mumbai (IN) (LINK)
2014-05-12+: 5th Golden Kuker-Sofia Intl. Animation Film Festival (Out of Comp.) – Sofia (BUL) (LINK)
2014-05-07+: 25. intl. Filmfest Emden-Norderney (Kurzfilmwettb.) – Emden (GER) (LINK)
2014-05-01+: LISFE – 6th Leiden Intl. Shortfilm Experience (Erotic Programme) – Leiden (NL) (LINK)
2014-04-30+: 17th Pink Apple Film Festival – Zürich und Frauenfeld (CH) (LINK)
2014-04-30+: TGLFF – Torino Gay&Lesbian Film Festival (Open Eyes) – Torino (I) (LINK)
2014-04-22+: 15. Internationales Kurzfilmfestival cellu l’art – Jena (GER) (LINK)
2014-04-11+: 2th FIFES – Filmski Festival Smijeha – Zagreb (HR) (LINK)
2014-04-07: Reggio Film Festival (Laity Section) – Reggio Emilia (I) (LINK)
2014-03-28: 22. Filmfestival Contravision (Wettbewerb) – Berlin (GER) (LINK)
2014-03-21: MECAL 16. intl. Short. and Anim. Festival (Sex Section)– Barcelona (ESP) (LINK)
2014-03-17: Love, Lust & Libido – Tobacco Factory Theatre – Bristol (UK) (LINK)
2013-12-21: Kurzfilmtag im Sputnik Kino Kreuzberg – Berlin (GER)
2013-11-24: Zwergwerk – die 13. Oldenburger Kurzfilmtage – Oldenburg (GER) (LINK)
2013-11-20: Open Screening Berlin – Berlin (GER) (LINK)