Zusammen Eins / Together One

Zusammen Eins (Together One)
Experimental / Foto Film – Report by Markus Wende

Synopsis (german)
Aus vereinzelten Bildern werden vereinte Bilder, aus Bildern und O-Tönen entsteht ein rhythmischer Prozess, der ebenso Musik ist wie Film. ‚Zusammen Eins‘ verbindet das Isolierte und Zufällige einer urbanen Landschaft zu einer treibenden Choreografie.

Synopsis (english)
Isolated images meld into pictures, pictures and original sounds meld into one rhythmic process that is as much music as it is film. ‚Together One‘ combines sporadic and accidental elements of an urban landscape into a pressing choreography.

Length: 01:55
Format: 1080p / 24fps / Stereo
Technique: Fotofilm Animation
Produktion Date: 03-2016

Idea, Photography, Animation, Music, Sound, Editing: Markus Wende
Music Production: Chandra Fleig


Festivals / Screenings

2017-10-06: Brand New Blinkers @ Calàbria 66 – Non Verbal Comm. Screening – Barcelona (E) (LINK)
2017-10-06+: 14° Sedicicorto IFFF2017 – Out Of Comp. Atrium – Forli (I) (LINK)
2017-08-18+: MCZFF Musicanzone Filmfest – Official Select. – Ancona (I) (LINK)
2017-04-25: FAF Festival Of Animated Film Berlin – Berlin (GER) (LINK)
2016-11-17: Brand New Blinkers – Filmnight – London (GB) (LINK)
2016-11-16+: Allucinema Fest 2016 – Experimental – Puebla (MEX) (LINK)
2016-11-15+: Festival de curts Mal del Cap 2016 – Competition – Ibiza (E) (LINK)
2016-10-28+: 3era Edicion LOCOMOCION Fest de Animacion – Comp. – Mexico City (MEX) (LINK)
2016-10-08+: 2nd MINIKINO FILM WEEK – Intl. Program – Bali (INO) (LINK)
2016-10-07+: 13° Sedicicorto IFFF2016 – Competition NO+D2 – Forli (I) (LINK)
2016-09-28+: CINETEKTON! – Festival Intl. de Cine y Arquitectura – Puebla (MEX) (LINK)
2016-06-13: Videodrome Film/Animation/Videoart-Event – Rye Wax – London (GB) (LINK)
2016-05-21: Video Art Event (VII-th edition) – Night of Museums – Oradea (RUM) (LINK)
2016-05-18: Open Screening Berlin – Kino Sputnik (DE) (LINK)
